Global Configuration Page


Lists each global configuration property with name and value and allows to adding new properties and to edit or remove existing properties.





For each existing global configuration property the corresponding Edit link allows for changing the property value.

Note that changing the name of the property to an existing property name will overwrite that value.

After changing the value click the Submit button to have the change saved.


For each existing global configuration property the corresponding Remove link allows for removing the property.

Confirm the removal by clicking the Remove button.


Adds a new property.

Fill in the name for the new property and its value.

Note that providing a name of an existing property and that property will be overwritten.

Click the Submit button for having the property saved.

Remove selected...

Allows removal of all selected properties.

Confirm the removal by clicking the Remove button.

Reload from database

Configuration changes are directly stored in the database but in order for the new configuration to be used in an instance the configuration needs to be loaded.

Confirm the reload from database by clicking the Reload button.